Institution / Focus

Ecriture de la sorbonne sur une facade

La Sorbonne University, an institution in the heart of Paris

Sorbonne University, located in the heart of Paris, is one of the most renowned higher education institutions in the world. Founded in 1257 by Robert de Sorbon, it takes its name from the college which served as a residence for students and professors. Over the centuries, the Sorbonne has become

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French education

From kindergarten to university: the French education system

The French education system: understanding levels and diplomas. Primary Level – Kindergarten and Elementary Course Since 2019, education is mandatory in France from 3 to 16 years old, and compulsory training from 16 to 18 years old. The French education system begins with primary education, which is divided into two

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How does the CCFS phonetics laboratory improve your oral skills?

The importance of phonetics lessons when learning French The phonetics laboratory, an integral part of the CCFS courses Learning a new language is often complex, and French is no exception on this matter. One of the major challenges in the learning process is developing good oral skills, which makes phonetics

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The CCFS are 100 years old!

In 2019, les Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne celebrate their first centenary. Events, unpublished documents, archives, testimonies … every week, find us on this page to follow the news of this anniversary.

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Le secrétariat sera exceptionnellement fermé le jeudi 6 juin.

The secretariat will be exceptionally closed on Thursday, June 6. 

Information sur la session de printemps 2024

L’inscription à la session de printemps (rentrée du 5 février 2024) est encore possible jusqu’au 2 février, sous réserve de places disponibles.

Les étudiants souhaitant s’inscrire sont invités à se rendre directement au bureau des admissions de l’institution, ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 16h30.
Ils doivent s’assurer de disposer d’un visa valide.

L’inscription en ligne pour cette session n’est plus possible sur ce site.

Information regarding the 2024 spring session

Registration for the spring session (starting on February 5, 2024) is still possible until February 2, subject to availability.

Students wishing to register are invited to go directly to the institution’s admission office, open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 4.30pm.
They must ensure they have a valid visa.

Online registration for this session is no longer available on this website.

Dates des prochains examens TCF

Les prochaines sessions d’examen TCF auront lieu dans les locaux de l’institution aux dates suivantes :

Le 30 janvier et le 27 février :

+ épreuve orale
+ épreuve écrite

Le 31 janvier et le 28 février :